Investing in Boxabl: A Revolutionary Solution to the Housing and Homelessness Crisis

The housing crisis, characterized by skyrocketing home prices and increasing homelessness, demands innovative solutions. Boxabl emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a scalable, cost-efficient alternative to traditional housing. This blog post, written from an investor's perspective, delves into the opportunity Boxabl presents in addressing the homelessness crisis.

The Opportunity to Investing in Boxabl

Boxabl financial growth and projections are promising, underpinned by its sustainable and scalable housing model. The company's approach to housing, focusing on cost-effectiveness and rapid deployment, positions it as a lucrative investment opportunity.

Boxabl’s Solution to the Homelessness Crisis

Boxabl's modular homes are affordable and quick to deploy, making them an ideal solution for the homelessness crisis. Their adaptability to different environments and situations underscores their potential to revolutionize the housing sector.

How Boxabl Compares to Traditional Housing

Boxabl's innovative approach to housing presents a remarkable contrast to traditional construction methods, particularly in terms of cost, time efficiency, and environmental impact. This section delves into these critical differences, showcasing why Boxabl stands out as a compelling alternative in the modern housing market.

Cost Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of Boxabl units is their cost efficiency. Traditional housing involves numerous expenses, including labor, materials, and often unexpected costs that arise during construction. Boxabl, on the other hand, utilizes a factory-based manufacturing process that streamlines production, minimizes waste, and leverages economies of scale. This reduces the overall cost of homes and provides clearer pricing upfront, making housing more accessible and affordable for a broader segment of the population.

Time Efficiency

Time is another critical factor where Boxabl excels over traditional housing. The conventional construction process can take months or even years, depending on the project's complexity and scale. Boxabl units, conversely, are manufactured in controlled environments, allowing for the rapid production and assembly of homes. Once on site, a Boxabl home can be set up and made habitable in hours or days, drastically reducing the time from conception to occupancy. This speed of deployment is especially beneficial in situations requiring urgent housing solutions, such as after natural disasters or in rapidly growing urban areas.

Environmental Impact

Boxabl's approach also offers a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional construction methods. Traditional building practices often result in significant waste and can have a considerable ecological footprint. Boxabl's manufacturing process is designed to minimize waste by using precise quantities of materials and recycling wherever possible. Additionally, the energy efficiency of Boxabl units reduces the long-term environmental impact by lowering the energy needed for heating and cooling. This benefits the planet and translates to lower utility costs for homeowners.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Beyond cost, time, and environmental considerations, Boxabl units provide unprecedented adaptability and flexibility. Unlike traditional homes, which are often built for a specific location and purpose, Boxabl's modular design allows for easy relocation and reconfiguration. This means a Boxabl home can evolve with its owner's needs, from expanding family size to changing geographic locations.

Community and Social Impact

Boxabl's impact extends beyond providing affordable housing; it addresses homelessness directly and improves living standards for many.

"Homelessness is at the highest rate it has ever been in the USA with increasing migrant populations that now exceed the birth rate," Co-founder Galiano Tiramani said.

"The situation is going to get worse, not better. The only path to solving this is both regulatory reforms that are restricting housing and changing the way we build by bringing mass production into housing at Boxabl. We believe we have solved a lot of the problems that stopped housing from being compatible with the factory environment."

Testimonials and Success Stories

The purchase of a Boxabl Casita by Elon Musk is a powerful endorsement of the company's innovative housing solutions.

Musk, known for his discerning investment in groundbreaking technologies, chose Boxabl for its efficiency, affordability, and sustainability — qualities that resonate with his vision for the future. Musk's association with Boxabl catapults the brand into the spotlight, underscoring its relevance in today's fast-paced, efficiency-driven world. This high-profile acquisition exemplifies how Boxabl's modular homes meet the needs of diverse customers, from the environmentally conscious to the technologically inclined, offering a versatile living solution that aligns with modern lifestyles.


  • How does Boxabl contribute to solving the homelessness crisis?

    It’s cheap, fast to deploy, and can be maintained in series because all Casitas are standard products built in a factory, like cars, TVs, mobile phones, and so on.

  • What makes Boxabl's housing solutions more sustainable than traditional homes?

    It’s a 2024 product built with current energy conservation standards, using engineered materials in state-of-the-art production facilities.

  • How quickly can Boxabl units be deployed in response to housing emergencies?

    Boxabl production complex in North Las Vegas is geared to produce 3,600 units yearly, meaning a Casita every two hours. That is how fast the production goes. Then, Boxabl will form a network of installers to speed up the installation.

  • Can Boxabl homes withstand extreme weather conditions?

    Yes, the first client of the Casita was the DoD for the deployment of the Casitas in the sub-tropical region.

  • What are the long-term benefits for investors in Boxabl?

    This is the first company in the world to build homes in giga-factories like cars, TV sets, and mobile phones.

  • How does Boxabl's technology differ from other modular housing solutions?

    Boxabl's technology differs from other modular housing solutions primarily through its unique folding design, which allows for efficient transport and rapid on-site assembly. This compact, foldable form factor significantly reduces shipping costs and logistical complexities, enabling easier and more cost-effective delivery to various locations. Additionally, Boxabl emphasizes using high-quality, sustainable materials and focuses on energy efficiency, further setting its technology apart in the modular housing market.

Capital raised

$155 million from accredited and retail investors. Only ten institutional investors, like IPO CLUB, entered Boxabl’s Capital. However, the company has over 40,000 unique investors and wants to have more. They filled up the RegA+ and the CF quickly but could not do more because they became a reporting company. We think they may be gearing up to grow their institutional investor base now that the new CFO is up and running and potentially re-opening Reg A.


Their 2021 $3 billion valuation resulted from market timing/peak. Everybody understands that the company needs to grow back into it with time. The last shares were sold at a valuation of $1,5 billion through their Reg D offering.


Boxabl's leadership team is diligently steering the company towards a significant financial milestone: achieving break-even status by late 2025. This strategic financial goal is not just a marker of Boxabl's growing stability and potential in the market; it's also a critical step towards broader financial ambitions. Achieving break-even is pivotal for Boxabl, as it lays the groundwork for exploring opportunities for an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Next Reporting

Boxabl is one of the few startups with SEC reporting, meaning that investors have incredible insight into the company's operations, unlike most other private investments. Their 1-K will be released on April 1 and 1-Q on May 15. In April, they will also release a Supplement non-GAAP reconciliation.


The information provided in this content is for general informational purposes only and no financial advice. Seek advice before investment.


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